“Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.”

Learner-Led Homeschooling provides the opportunity, experience, and structure for children to choose their own learning adventure.
True learning happens when the learner has an intrinsic desire to take part in any activity, especially when that activity is creative or shared.

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Hi! I’m Lauren, a homeschooling parent of three and a licensed teacher with a master’s degree in educational literacy. I was homeschooled (and regular schooled!) through high school, and have experience teaching preschool through adult learners.
When I was 16, I divided my time between an archaeology lab, playing classical violin, and running a free Shakespeare performance club I started for kids in the community. I was the youngest member of the local micro-mineral society and I also, it must be added, spent a good amount of time dreaming and writing unpublishable drivel.
Alternative schooling opens up the world as a child’s classroom. When that classroom is offered to them wholesale, learning becomes like a Wonka laboratory. It’s a lot more fun for the adults, too!
Education is not preparation for life; it is life itself.

Homeschool without buying expensive curriculum!
Homeschool without fighting, whining, groaning, nagging, and exhaustion!
Homeschool without it eating up all your time!
Homeschool that’s fun for everyone!
Taking January Off: Adventures in Interim
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School at Home (Traditional) This is what most people think …What Does A 7-Year-Old Do All Day?
While we don’t call ourselves unschoolers, we have a very …Super-Powered Read-Aloud
Project-based learning is excellent fun and an effective way to …5 Rules for Read-Aloud
Project-based learning is excellent fun and an effective way to …Favorite Homeschool Thing: Maps
This month I’d like to share ideas about using maps …